Sunday, March 30, 2014

Three sentence movie reviews: We Bought a Zoo

Cameron Crowe has made more than a few films in my personal pantheon (including my tied-for-favorite-film-ever-made Almost Famous*).  So I guess he gets to slack and make a pleasant film with no surprises and a nice plot.  I was entertained, but not in love.

Cost:  Free from library
Where watched: at home.

poster from:

*Tied with Singing in the Rain


  1. Gosh, this is one of those movies that everyone raved about but to me it doesn't even look remotely interesting. However, I'm not big on Cameron Crowe. He's directed a couple movies I like ("Say Anything" and "Singles"), at least one I loathe ("Jerry Maguire") and several I'm "meh" on, including "Almost Famous." (sorry)

    OMG, though, "Singing in the Rain" is one of my all-time favorite movies too!!!

  2. What is interesting about this movie is that it is very loosely based upon a book that is an actual memoir. A man in England and his family actually bought a failing zoo in order to save the animals. I remember hearing the author interviewed on NPR and the story sounded quite compelling!
