Saturday, September 14, 2013

Three sentence movie reviews: Kings of Summer

I had to wait through the entire summer before time was found for the boyfriend and I to see this movie.  It was worth it, though, because what I saw was the perfect mix of adventure and humor and heartache and best of all:  freedom, which was portrayed in that way that only adolescents can experience freedom.  Several times I looked at Matt and he was slack-jawed with delight, because this is that kind of film.*

Cost:  $3.00
Where watched: at the Laurelhurst with the boyfriend.

*seriously, this was a perfect movie.  You must see it.


  1. We had this on our list. But it slipped away. Netflix here we come.

  2. I think I've only heard of this because you mentioned it before! I'll add it to the list. That movie poster is great!

  3. Except they actually killed animals as part of entertainment. And yes I realize eating meat does the same thing.
