Saturday, February 14, 2009

Three sentence movie reviews--Enchanted

The MAunts came over for a Valentine Lunch. We had yummy food and watched this movie. They liked it.

Bechdel rating: At least two women. Yes. Talk to each other: yes. About something besides a man: alas, no.

poster from:


  1. They liked it...does that mean that you did not? I think Amy Adams is super sassy. And I love the idea of breaking out into song wherever you are! -S

  2. Bechdel Question: Can they talk about men part of the time and then have other non-man-talk lines or does any man-talk result in a no for the test? -S

  3. I saw it last year and loved it. I loved it so much I accidently left my purse in the theater.

    re: Bechdel test. I think it is up to you.
