Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There are two kinds of people in this world. One kind sees a black eye and says "Oh my goodness, what happened to your eye?" while simultaneously thinking "Domestic Violence Victim!" The other kind sees a black eye and says "Awesome!" and gives a thumbs up.

There are a few of the second kind at my workplace and in other areas of my life. There are many, many, MANY of the first kind. Okay, I don't know that all of them were thinking "Domestic Violence Victim" but I bet at least half were.
It actually looks pretty good in this picture. It got much darker over the next few days. Oh my goodness what did happen to me? I had a meeting with my U-lock.
As I explained roughly 300 times: (Seriously. Most kids at school, plus their parents, plus other people equals roughly 300.) I was lifting my bike out of my brother's truck and my U-lock fell off and hit me. It hurt briefly, but it was more painful to recount that story again and again and again.

When I went inside and grabbed ice for my eye, Matt became the first to ask the question. After I explained our conversation went thusly:
Matt: Sweetheart! People are going to think....
Me: I know what people are going to think.

It only becomes funnier when you know Matt's vocation. He is a counselor for domestic violence abusers.

I think the amount of concern affected my health. I developed flu-like symptoms over the weekend and had to miss church. I was a bit relieved. It saved me 30 more times of telling the story.

1 comment:

  1. Again another read about it...then see it post! It does look like it hurts! Poor you! Poor Matt! But kind of funny now in retrospect! :) -S
