Sunday, September 2, 2012

Three sentence movie reviews: Burlesque

This movie had promise with the fun dancing and Kristen Bell and all that, but it took a turn for the worse about halfway through and never recovered.  I don't think Cher is a very good actress (sorry!) and Christina Aguilera seemed to be channelling Cher at times which was incredibly distracting.  Not even the usually saving presence of Stanley Tucchi came to my rescue, this movie was just bad.

Cost:  Free from library.
Where watched:  At home.


  1. I didn't even know Kristen Bell was in this! I'm still not going to watch it though.

  2. Too bad a bad movie was wasted on the adorable Kristen Bell.

    Woo hoo! I am caught up with the posts that I can see in my reader. I think I might have 10 or so more I need to come back too. But grading really does call. Kisses, S
