Friday, January 2, 2009

Three sentence movie reviews--George Washington

Given how much I loved this director's movie All the Real Girls earlier this year and given the favorable reviews when it came out, I expected to really like this movie. I didn't. The cinematography is great--never has a decaying Southern town looked so good--but I was bored.

poster from:


  1. Interesting. I have never heard of this movie? When did it come out? -S

  2. IMDB says 2000, though I think it kicked around the film festival circit for awhile. I remember Roger Ebert really liking it. I wonder if I remember right.

  3. I saw this movie - actually, I *own* this movie - because of its allusions to director Terence Malick. I think it's a good, thoughtful movie, but as you point out, it's boring, too. And that's coming from a fan of Terence Malik.
